The Market Place

Raekoja Plats - The Old Town Hall

St. Mary's Cathedral

Oleviste Kirik - St. Olaf Church

The Old Town

In more modern times Estonia was of course part of the Soviet Union and a large proportion of Tallinn’s population is Russian. A rather humorous leftover from these days is that many of the streets in Tallinn are known as Prospects. On maps and on road signs this is shortened to Pst. It appeals to my sense of the ridiculous to know that two of old Tallinn’s main streets are called Vanu-viru Pst and Vana-Posti Pst.

The currency is the Estonian Kroner which is known as the EEK. It sounds quite silly to be told that something, as shown below, costs seventy five eeks.

The Road up to Toompea Hill

Taking a rest

One of the many towers on the old city walls

More or less the view from "Kiek in de Kok" - Peep into the Kitchen

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral on the Top of Toompea Hill

Our Cruise Ship - Heavier and longer than the Titanic!